About Us


Central Oil mills limited

Central Oil Mills Limited is located at Jukwa Mfuom in Hemang Lower Denkyira District in the Central Region of Ghana. It is 35km north of Cape Coast and 3km from the Kakum National Park.

The desire to support the local oil palm farmers whose produce (palm fruits) go to waste after each harvest motivated Mr. Aaron Sagoe to enter the palm oil business, first as a pastime, then, realizing the business opportunity therein, established the Central Oil Mills Ltd.

Aaron began with a 10-acre farm at Jukwa Mfuom in September 2005 and expanded it to 30 acres by December 2009. Around the same year 2009, the first harvest of the 2005-year planting was due for first harvesting. This was the period the first harvested fruits were milled with an oil palm digester & a spindle press made by Gratis foundation, Tema.

The idea to formalize its operations gave birth to Central Oil Mills Limited. Central Oil Mills Ltd was incorporated under the company’s code of Ghana 1963, Act 179 as a private limited liability company. Central Oil Mills Ltd through effective community rapport, has established an aggregate of over 100 acres of oil palm plantation within its catchment areas.

It has also distributed over 6000 seedlings to newly developed outgrowers and small holder farmers on crop sharing basis.

In 2012, following a diagnostic audit of the facility to determine the requirement needed to improve process efficiency, Solidarity; an NGO based in the Netherlands supported the company in 2015 to acquire a 3:ton steam boiler and 2-units 4 ton FFB sterilizer.


Central Oil Mills Limited seeks to strategically set up processing facilities within the catchment areas in the region and the district in particular where oil palm farms/plantations are available to support farmers with affordable, easy, accessible and value added services to prevent post harvest losses


Establish an integrated oil palm processing facilities where value addition at all stages shall be our Focus.

Our Production Capacity

Central Oil Mills Limited can conveniently boast of a processing facility of 3ton per hour mill (3ton /hour mill). We are planning to increase our production capacity from 3 tons/hour to 5 tons/hour.


As part of our plans to expand our operations within the next couple of years, we intend to improve biodiversity within our ecological areas expand and improve basic raw material base (FFB).

This includes re-habitation and adaptation of best agronomic management practices of the existing nucleus plantations and out grower/small and more value addition to by-products and develop Out-grower and small holder schemes and explore sales to direct overseas market and other niche markets.


The high demand for palm oil and its related products has created huge unfulfilled business opportunities. As a result, the company has decided to upgrade its current capacity, and also introduce additional product lines to satisfy these unmet needs of the growing market.

It has been established that the industry’s inability to supply all these partly explains why major consumers & big players import huge quantity of palm oil and its allied products into the country to argument their local production.


1. To ensure improved biodiversity within our plantations, we have put in place adequate health and safety measures to control the numerous risks we face during our daily operation.
2. Liaise and cooperate with stakeholder-regulating institutions to ensure HSE laws are adhered.

3. Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety and provide solutions, provide and maintain safe plant and equipment.
4. Ensure safe handling and use of substance.
Provide information, instructions and supervision of employees.
5. Ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training.


Currently, the company has twenty (20) workers and its core team is made up of Aaron Sagoe, CEO. David Henry Sagoe – Administrative & Logistics Manager, Eric Nyanteh – Operations Manager.

Community Development


Central Oil Mills Limited supports the local community schools with educational and building materials. We also support them with footballs during their annual inter school sports competitions.